There are many situations that demand the services of a notary. If you have legal documents that require notarization or need an oath administered, Kedean’s Generation is just a call away. As an authorized Notary Public by the State of New Jersey, we’re capable of providing complete notarial services in whatever capacity they’re required.
Not only do we offer services as a notary, we’re also proud to offer translating services in Union City, NJ. Our many decades of work within the local migrant community have led us to become multi-lingual service providers, proudly offering translation services.
Notary Public
Many of life’s most important moments require a notary public in Union City, NJ. Transferring the deed to property, delivering a sworn statement, granting power of attorney and more all warrant the presence of a notary. Kedean’s Generation is standing by for all these situations and more, providing you with the essential services you need to legally protect and validate your actions.
- Document notarization
- Copy certifications
- Take acknowledgments
- Take proofs of deeds
- Administer oaths
- Execute jurats or Execute protests

Translation Services
Our longstanding work with local migrant communities has given us the experience we need to provide multilingual services. Our translating services in Union City, NJ make it easier for our clients to understand the documents and counseling we provide. If you need translation services, please contact our office and let us know how we can help. We offer both document translation and verbal translation services.
We’re Here to Assist You
Kedean’s Generation is available for any situation requiring the duty-bound oversight of a licensed notary public. We’re standing by to assist in any fraud-deterrent acts related to the signing of important documents. Contact us today for more information about our notarial services or to inquire about translation.